Risotto with Roast Chicken, Mushrooms & Blue Cheese

This is an easy supper recipe to use up some leftover roast chicken. It took fairly little prep and was really tasty. If you’re trying to be a bit healthier you could swap the cheese for some fresh tarragon for a low fat flavour burst.IMG-20130116-01345

This recipe serves 2. I used ½ pint of homemade chicken stock I had in the freezer, with ½ pint of water and half a porcini stock cube for extra mushroomy goodness.


Olive oil – 1 tablespoon

Banana shallots – 2 (diced)

Garlic – 2 cloves (minced)

Mushrooms – 2 (sliced & halved)

Arborio rice – 5oz/150g

Butter – 1oz/30g

Stock – 1 pint/600ml (hot – I keep mine warm on another hob)

Roast chicken – 7oz/200g or however much you have (shredded)

Blue cheese (I used Yorkshire blue) – 4oz/120g (cubed)

Seasoning – black pepper, chilli flakes, and oregano

Equipment: Large pan, small pan, chopping board, knife, garlic crusher, wooden spoon


  1. Heat the oil in the large pan over a medium heat and add the shallots, garlic and mushrooms. 
  2. Heat the stock in the small pan.
  3. When the vegetables have softened but not coloured add the butter and rice. Stir around and warm through for 2 minutes before adding about a third of the stock.
  4. Let the stock come to a simmer, stirring occasionally.
  5. When all the stock has been absorbed add another third and repeat the process.
  6. With the third lot of stock add the shredded chicken and seasoning. Cover for 2-3 minutes to allow chicken to warm through, the remove lid and allow the stock to be absorbed and evaporate.
  7. When the rice is just about ready stir in the cheese and allow to melt through the risotto.


3 comments on “Risotto with Roast Chicken, Mushrooms & Blue Cheese

  1. well i still have some blue cheese in a fridge and I think I will give it a go. Looks yummy.

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